auckland based male stripper looking buff in the city

Male Strippers Info

Male Strippers Info

Our Male Strippers - everything you need to know!

Scroll down for info plus links to their images...


muscular male stripper dressed as a cowboy in auckland's orakei - zak

Maid-of-Honour again? or first-timer?

Should you order a Male Stripper for your bestie's New Zealand Hens Night or shouldn't you?

Well... if you've done this before then you KNOW a Stripper is an absolutely crucial traditional ingredient to either get the party started or kick it into overdrive! And if you haven't organised a Bachelorette Party before and are worrying that it might be too much for your Bride-to-Be to handle - DON'T worry - our New Zealand based Male Entertainers can make their performances as tame or raunchy, funny or sexy as you wish, plus in our experience no matter how much your Hen protests at getting a strip show in the lead up to the day - SHE SECRETLY WANTS A STRIPPER - and will never forgive you if she doesn't get one!!!!

Your Hens Party needs Male Strippers!

Male Strippers - what to expect from yours...

On our NZ booking site we only allow the best Male Dancers and Entertainers to advertise their services so you can be assured of a great Strip Show enhancing your Hens Event no end!!

We will...

  • Guarantee to send you the performer agreed upon! Don't get caught out by 'agencies' promising to send a particular guy only to send you a complete random on the night. Get it in writing that you will get who was agreed or your deposit back!

Your Stripper will...

  • All Male Strippers vary but as a general rule their routine will last for approximately 12-13 minutes

  • Your Stripper will start off in full costume and gradually work his way down to Full Monty! Full Nude varies from stripper to stripper - some male entertainers will flash the whole crowd but some will only show the bride, so if its crucial for your party that everyone 'sees the sausage' you must let us know!

  • Your Stripper will have your details and will call you when he arrives on the night so please have your phone handy around the booking time.

Click here to check out our prices - they are the Best Rates in town :)

All the Male Performers we allow to advertise on our site are seasoned professionals with great routines - if you have a specific look you are after that's ok but don't get too caught up in finding the perfect look as a great performance is sooo much more important and memorable for a special occasion!

We've weeded out all the bad ones over the years so don't ever worry when booking through
Hen's Knights!

Male Stripper FAQ's

  • What do Male Strippers do exactly?

    Sounds like an obvious question but we get asked it alot! All Party Strippers have different routines, some will be sexier than others, some raunchier and some hilarious but generally they will all have an element of each and will certainly tease you to the max with each item they discard! Sleazy strippers are a thing of the past so don't worry about that (unless you really want one and we do have some great actors!)! He will share the love and play up to the whole group if you wish or really focus on the Hen or Birthday girl - all up to you!

  • Are Male Entertainers reliable?

    The strippers on our website most certainly are - if they let us down we don't use them again - simple as that! We haven't been let down by a male stripper for years! You can count on a stripper booked through Hen's Knights to turn up!

  • What Costumes do Male Strippers wear?

    You name it and one of our lads will have it from Elvis to the Sexy Businessman but you do need to bear in mind that you can only choose from the costumes the boys have listed in their profile. If you want a specific costume and a specific stripper it's still worth asking us but generally if it's not listed for him, he doesn't have it.

  • Can our Stripper do a bit of fun roleplay when he arrives?

    Absolutely! Provided it's not too hard and you aren't expecting a performance straight out of NIDA haha! Our clients have often asked for their Stripper to turn up as a Sexy Policeman under the premise that there has been a noise complaint, or a Hot Fireman needing to check the sprinklers in the apartment! If your Bride or Birthday Girl doesn't have prior knowledge it makes it all the funnier when he rips off his clothes!

  • Do Male Strippers get totally naked and can they go the Full Monty?

    Yes! If you wish they certainly will - but as mentioned above some will happily show the whole crowd while others will only show the bride so make sure you check before you book if its important! Some licenced venues will not allow full nudity so if you book a venue either ask them prior or just risk it - he won't be flashing it around for long!!

  • Can we touch the Male Strippers?

    Yes! But please try to show a bit of respect to your piece of meat lol!

  • Can we request that the stripper does not touch the Hen?

    Of course! If you have a timid Bride or one you think would not handle being touched, simply let your performer know when he arrives!

  • Must our Stripper focus on the Birthday Girl or Hen?

    Not at all! If you wish he can spread the love among the whole group or even stay a little back and perform more of a Stage Show for the group as a whole - as long as you let him know when he arrives, he will accommodate!

  • Can we have our Male Strippers visit our Hotel Room?

    Yes! Our strippers frequent hotel rooms all the time. We also send them to private houses and apartments, private function rooms of restaurants, nightclubs and even karaoke rooms! If in doubt please ask us.

  • Are Hen's Knights Male Strippers only for Hens Parties?

    No! You can book them for the Girls Night Out, Birthdays, Divorce Parties - you name the Special Occasion and we will send you a stripper!

  • Can we take pictures and videos of our Stripper?

    For sure! All Male Strippers expect to be videoed or photographed - BUT there will be a moment in all striptease shows where your performer will ask for the cameras to be put down (when he gets naked!!) and you must obey or he might stop the play!! If you do get some great shots pleeease send them to us or tag us on Facebook as we'd love to see them!

  • Can I have more than one Male Stripper at once?

    Definitely! You can book as many strippers as you like of course!

Please browse our gallery of New Zealand Performers (it's fun to choose!), and give us a call to make a stripper booking for your next event! We promise you that a Hen’s Knights Male Stripper is not something to miss out on!

Please click to email us at
for an accurate quote!

Scroll down for links to pictures of all our superb Striptease Artists...

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